What I’ve been researching . . . : Dale P. Andrews

I currently am studying issues of race and racism with pastoral and practical theological colleagues exploring theories of moral injury. My interests in this collaboration lies in what I would call white moral injury and how this concept might be useful in redressing both willful and passive violence of racism, even in our practical theology. How […]

Notes from "The Shared Parish," Center for Migration Studies, Part 1

On 19 February, I attended a terrific event at the Center for Migration Studies, on the East Side of Manhattan, titled “The Shared Parish: Latinos, Anglos, and the Future of U.S. Catholicism.” I thought some notes on the session might be of interest to APT members and friends. The Executive Director of CMS, Donald M. […]

Teaching and Post-Foundational Theology of Ministry Resources

Among the courses I teach at Fordham is a class on “Theology of Ministry.” I’ve been teaching versions of this class, under a variety of titles and formats, for fourteen years. The longer I teach it, and the more I pay attention to developments in theological and religious studies, and the more I take on […]

Music Research as a Source for Thinking About Practices

I’ve been interested in music for a long time. As a musician for more than thirty years, there are certain musical worlds in which I feel right at home. Although my academic life has been going (post-grad school) for only half as long as my musical life, I’ve been in practical theology long enough to […]

What Are Your "Conundrums" in Practical Theology?

One thing that some practical theologians do is take time to think carefully about theological “meanings” of practices, experiences, contexts, and cultures… and to share out that thinking — to be further critically reconstructed — in communities (academic, religious, and beyond) that have a stake in such conversations. I have been trying to carry out […]