Practical theology and the humanities

Practical theology could be enriched by a more intentional and pervasive engagement with the humanities. Practical theology and its constituent disciplines should add interdisciplinary interface with literature, the arts, music, anthropology, and history to an already robust commitment to the social sciences. It seems to me that those in our field who have emphasized the […]

Practical Theology Online: Teaching and Learning

Call for Papers for the APT Meeting at AAR in San Francisco in November, 2011. We invite proposals for papers or panels examining whether and how practical theology can be taught and learned in online environments, whether in the academy, church, wider publics, or everyday life. We invite particular attention to performance, embodiment, practices, social […]

Practical Theology and aesthetics

This will be the first in a series of posts from members of the APT executive committee over the next few months. Over time, we hope that other practical theologians will join us in the conversation! I have often thought that practical theology is a modernist enterprise that functions primarily under the auspices of Kant’s […]