
Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the most common questions we are asked about the Association of Practical Theology. 

Who can join the Association of Practical Theology?

APT is open to anyone who shares an interest in critical discourse that integrates theological reflection and practice. As a scholarly organization, most of our members have completed some level of graduate theological education, but this is not a requirement for membership.

Do I have to be in a full-time academic position to join?

Not at all!  Given the nature of the work of practical theology, our members work in many different settings, including secondary, undergraduate and graduate schools, congregations and denominational bodies, chaplaincy and spiritual direction positions, and not-for-profit organizations. We also have student members and members who are retired from paid employment.

Why should I join the Association of Practical Theology?

In addition to the many practical benefits of membership such as reduced rates for conference registration and access to materials from prior meetings, a vibrant network of scholars and conversation partners strengthens the work of teaching, research, and public practice that each of us engage in our own settings. 

Can I get access to prior materials from earlier biennial meetings?

We do have an archive area that members have access to, but we apparently lost many of our digitized archives and prior papers in a website breakdown some years ago. We are slowly working to re-build that area, which currently has materials from the 2018 and 2020 biennial meetings.

I paid my membership dues.  Why don’t I have access to the restricted areas of the website? 

If you find that you are blocked from the “members only” area of the website in error, please do not hesitate to contact Kate Common, our current Communications representative on the Executive Committee. In launching the new website we have worked to be sure that anyone who paid dues since January 2020 has full access to the site through the end of 2021, and have tried to sort out the problems in communication between our membership software and PayPal that was not allowing some members full access.


The Association of Practical Theology (APT) offers membership full of benefits that will enhance and enrich your understanding. Your membership gets you:

  • Biennial Conference Entry
  • Conference papers
  • Job Openings database
  • Members-Only articles
  • Members-Only online videos
  • Access to Members directory
  • and more