The APT is now on Facebook! Please visit and “like” our FB page and check back often. It will be updated more or less every day. This is a good new forum in which we can keep the conversation going about practical theology and share resources and updates throughout the year.
We are in debt to Andrea Cecilli, Director of Campus Ministry at Mount Aloysius College and D.Min. candidate at Fordham University, for the time and creative energy she put into designing our Facebook page. Thank you, Andrea!
This development was also brought to you by persistent work on the part of the APT’s Social Media Subcommittee, chaired by Dale Andrews (Vanderbilt Divinity School and APT Past-President), and including Katherine Turpin (Iliff School of Theology and APT Publications Coordinator), Andrea Cecilli (as noted above), Hannah Adams Ingram (Ph.D. student, Univ. of Denver/Iliff School of Theology), Rob O’Lynn (Kentucky Christian University), and myself. Andrea Cecilli, Hannah Adams Ingram, and Rob O’Lynn were among the members who stepped forward from the APT membership in response to the call a few months ago to help APT upgrade our social media presence. Thank you!
We are aware that we need updated graphics/images for the Facebook page and website, and will have more to say about that before too long…
Regular updates and blog posts will still continue to happen here through the APT website.
Working to stay connected—-!
Tom Beaudoin, Hastings-on-Hudson, NY
Assistant Professor of Homiletics – Boston University School of Theology
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