APT member John Falcone sends this note re: how US teachers can shape a developing project in Bible publishing.
Dear APT friends,
I am writing to let you know about a new project that introduces young people to the Bible and its historical contexts in a visually and narratively compelling new way. These graphic novels will embed Scriptural stories in the context of ancient teens’ struggles to live faithful lives. The team behind the project is ecumenical and technically impressive; scholars include James D.G. Dunn, Morna Hooker, Markus Bockmuehl, Judith Lieu, and Chris Rowland; Hollywood / BBC participants include writers Stan Berkowitz and Alan Burnett, and producer (Revd) Brian Brown.
Drop me a line if you want to read a synopsis of the project or see some examples of the text and art. Particularly, I’m looking for folks with links to North American high school teachers, youth ministers, and teens. The draft version of the flagship text, Pathfinder, will be tested it in 600 British schools; we also need to “test run” it with US kids and teachers in order to refine its language and imagery before the final roll-out in Fall 2016.
Pathfinder is a cliff-hanging teen adventure told in full color Manga style. It presents the story of Jesus as relayed in Gospel of Mark, through the eyes of early Christian young adults on the cusp of Nero’s persecution. Over the next 12 months, students and teachers will receive sections of the text for review and comment; at the end, they will gain free access to a digital draft of the final text. The production team will then incorporate student feedback into the final text. We’d like to start lining up interested reviewers this month (April, 2015)!
John Falcone
MDiv, PhD (cand)
Assistant Professor of Homiletics – Boston University School of Theology
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