Although we rarely talk about finances in our communications, the APT is sustained financially by members who keep their membership current, including their annual dues.
Dues still stand at $50/year for regular membership and $25/year for student membership–as they have for many years without increase.
If you are not ‘current’ in your membership, please consider formalizing your membership and paying dues now. It can be done though our website via PayPal:
APT finances, which are reported in full to the membership at the Biennial Conference, help pay for the activities of the Association, including expenses toward our presence at the American Academy of Religion; toward our website; and especially toward our Biennial Conferences. (And members enjoy reduced registration fees for the 2016 Biennial Conference!)
This is an opportune time to bring this up, as we are nearing (what is now being called) “Giving Tuesday” in the USA. I make this appeal with gratitude during this Thanksgiving week–for the remarkable array of contributions our members make to practical theology.
Tom Beaudoin, Fordham University
President, Association of Practical Theology
Assistant Professor of Homiletics – Boston University School of Theology
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