Looking toward the theme and setting of our Biennial Conference in April, today is the United Nations’ International Migrants Day. YouTube has many videos featuring events and reports about this day, some of which can help in teaching, service, ministry, research, and other forms of practical theology work. Just YouTube “International Migrants Day 2015” and an array of videos will show up.
Our Biennial theme about migration has broad purchase–migration is a timely matter with wide application to many topics in practical theology–but is always somehow related to the costs to life, and opportunities for life, involved in ‘dislocation’ and ‘relocation’, tied to the exigencies of experiences of wellbeing and of suffering to which International Migrants Day draws global attention. The International Organization for Migration is calling for a global candlelight vigil today.
Here is the UN’s website for the Day with more information:
Assistant Professor of Homiletics – Boston University School of Theology
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