As practical theology in the USA continues to deepen its engagement with religious diversity, in other words, as practical theology complicates, enriches, and refigures its Christian heritage, toward a more robust emplacement in religio-secular diversity in the present, I’ve found that it helps to have a ready resource for keeping up with religion in one’s own neighborhood. In view of the Association of Practical Theology Biennial Conference to be held here in NYC from 8-10 April in 2016, I want to share an excellent resource on the variety of religious expressions in the city: A Journey Through NYC Religions is a well-reported chronicle of religious practices in the five boroughs. Those outside New York might want to compare it to the religio-secular scene in their own locality. (If the “secular” is the “other” of the religious/sacred, as many scholars argue, then a complementary website might be something like “A Journey Through NYC Secularities,” but that site doesn’t exist, as far as I know.)
Here’s to a richer and more motivating contemplation of the religio-secular fullness in your city, wherever you are!
Tom Beaudoin, New York City
Assistant Professor of Homiletics – Boston University School of Theology
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