The journal Practical Matters has issued this call:
Practical Matters: A Journal of Religious Practices & Practical Theology
Call for Submissions: Sacred Places, Sacred Journeys
Practical Matters is now accepting submissions on religious practices and practical theology for 2015-2016. The journal will features articles on the theme of religious place-making, sacred spaces, and displacement as religious practices. Potential topics range from official religious architecture to the establishing of (unofficial) home shrines, from the experiences of hajji to the reproduction of holy sites in local communities, from the sales of earth gathered from sacred sites to the use of water from local shrines as radiator fluid, from scarification as a way of mapping the cosmos onto the body to accounts of the cosmos in images of the body, from pilgrimages willingly undertaken to the displacement of religious communities.
Beyond this theme, Practical Matters seeks submissions that promote the dialogue between religious studies and practical theology, through scholarship on religious traditions as embodied in religious practices, methods for engaging research questions that emerge in and about religious communities, theories of practice and praxis, and structures of scholarship that allow for more robust interactions between academic institutions and religious practitioners. We invite contributions on or from any religious or spiritual tradition as well as from any theoretical position or discipline (including, but not limited to, anthropology, environmental psychology, human geography, and sociology).
The journal includes both peer-reviewed articles (Features and Analyzing Matters) as well as non-peer reviewed content that presents the thoughtful reflections of teachers and practitioners (Practicing Matters and Teaching Matters). Practical Matters accepts submissions that incorporate a variety of media and genres. For additional instructions on submissions, more information on our peer-review process or to read current and past issues of Practical Matters, visit our website: