The Editorial Board of Sacred Spaces

The Editorial Board of Sacred Spaces: The E-Journal of the American Association of Pastoral Counselors is excited to announce the American Association of  Pastoral Counselors Writing Award for best student paper in honor of Homer Ashby and his many contributions to the field of pastoral care and counseling. The winner will receive 250$ and his/her article will be published in an upcoming issue of Sacred Spaces. The person submitting the article must be enrolled as a student at the time of s/he submits the article.

The articles will be judged on the following criteria:
1.    Integration of theory and practice
2.    Knowledge of the field and the issue
3.    Contribution to the field
4.    Clarity of argument and quality of writing.

For those interested, you will find submission guidelines on AAPC’s website under Sacred Spaces. All articles must be submitted NLT 1 May 2012. If you have any questions, please contact Ryan LaMothe rlamothe@saintmeinrad.edu

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