Any APT members who are in or near Baltimore, Ferguson, New York City, North Charleston, Phoenix, Cleveland, St. Louis, Southfield, Washington, Austin, or anywhere that has been touched by violence in the relationship between law enforcement/state power and communities of color — indeed, every community in the USA has a stake in what is happening now, has been happening for years, decades, and centuries — if APT members would like to send in their theological reflections/reports about how this traumatic, violent and deeply broken present and past is being addressed (or not) in your context, this blog space could be a place where we can post such reflections.
The APT will hopefully be moving toward an expanded social media presence soon, and that will make immediate updates and more generally accessible posts easier, but for now and the forseeable future this blog is one such space. Whatever you’re working on in your research or bringing to students in your teaching, I would wager that it is somehow related to the complex dynamic of what is happening right now in Baltimore. We will also be addressing this topic at our APT session at the American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting in Atlanta this November. More on that soon.
APT members with material to share, on this topic or any other related to practical theology, can email me:
Tom Beaudoin, President, Association of Practical Theology
Assistant Professor of Homiletics – Boston University School of Theology
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