Call for Applications: Center of Theological Inquiry




During the academic year 2017/18, the Center will hold an “Inquiry on Religion & Migration.” The human species has been a migrant one since its evolution out of Africa. In an era of forced migration, this phenomenon is now of global concern. Religion is a key factor in the movement of peoples and the study of migration. What do religious traditions look like when seen through the lens of migration? In what ways do religious communities influence the immigrant experience? How should religious actors respond to what Saskia Sassen has called emergent migrant flows, including unaccompanied minors, religious minorities, and those fleeing war zones and despoiled habitats? To what extent can religions make a normative contribution to public debates on migrants and refugees? How can ecumenical, comparative, and interreligious theologies take migration into account? The Center invites applications from scholars in theology, religious studies, migration studies, the humanities, and social sciences with projects that will inform the wider inquiry.

The Center of Theological Inquiry (CTI) convenes leading thinkers in an interdisciplinary research environment where theology makes an impact on global concerns. The Center offers its resident community of scholars optimal conditions for research, including spacious studies, furnished housing, and access to world class libraries. Scholars in CTI’s program welcome its terms of membership: working daily at the Center alongside fellow members; meeting weekly in a Colloquium to discuss work in progress and emerging questions; and participating in Symposia with visiting scholars, addressing questions of migration in relation to globalization, refugees, Islamic Law, biblical texts, world religions, and local case studies.

Symposium speakers include Saskia Sassen (Columbia U.), David Hollenbach (Georgetown U.), Anver Emon (U. of Toronto), and John Ahn (Howard U.) in the Fall Semester. Peter Phan (Georgetown U.) will lead a Spring Semester series on the impact of migration on religion.

Applications should be made for one or both semesters: Fall Semester, mid-August to mid- December, 2017; Spring Semester, mid-January to mid-May, 2018. CTI members are required to live in the Center’s housing in Princeton in order to take an active part in the interdisciplinary exchange with fellow members in the Inquiry. The Center will offer a limited number of stipends for one semester to offset additional living costs (including a monthly housing fee of $1,000 plus utilities), but scholars must secure funding from their home institution or external sources.

Apply online at ctinquiry.org/apply. The deadline for receipt of applications for resident membership for 2017/2018 is January 16, 2017, 11:59 pm EST. All queries about the Inquiry or application process should be sent to the Application Manager: cti@ctinquiry.org.

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