John Vaughn @ APT Biennial

For the last several days, we’ve been sharing information about the chairs (including short video excerpts about their work) for our plenary sessions at the Biennial Conference in April. Today we are pleased to share that our colleague in theological education, John Vaughn, Executive Vice President of Auburn Seminary will be chairing our second plenary […]

Evelyn Parker @ APT Biennial

Our colleague Evelyn Parker of Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University, who is also the Secretary/Treasurer of the APT, will be chairing our third and concluding plenary session, “Global Ecumenical Perspectives on Migration,” at the Biennial Conference.

Tito Cruz @ APT Biennial

Tito Cruz of Seattle University, who will be chairing our opening plenary session, “Migration and Practical Theology,” at the APT Biennial Conference.

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to Association of Practical Theology members and friends! We have a lively 2016 in store–from our Biennial Conference in April to our presence at the American Academy of Religion in November–and of course more communications through our social media throughout the year, to advance the professional conversation and share information related to […]

Practical Theology and Star Wars

On a lighter note: so Star Wars is now the biggest-opening movie of all time, and likely on its way to being the highest-grossing movie ever. When I saw the film recently, I thought I had remembered reading some connection between practical theology and Star Wars and found it this morning. It’s in Richard Osmer’s […]

"More than 5000 Places of Worship"…

…in New York City alone. Here is an interesting read: the New York Times recently published this feature by William Grimes on the presence of ‘more than 5000 places of worship’ in New York City. What’s the multi-religious environment for your practical theology? –Tom Beaudoin, Fordham University

Adding to the Biennial Bibliography

What readings, websites, YouTube clips or other resources would you recommend related to migration? We have a Biennial Bibliography in process and want it to reflect what APT members and friends find helpful. Please reply with your recommendations here, or to our Facebook page, or email us ( The Bibliography can be found here.