Job Opening: Religious and Theological Education, Villanova University, Philadelphia, PA

Religious and Theological Education

The Department of Theology and Religious Studies at Villanova University invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track position in Religious and Theological Education at the rank of assistant professor, to begin in fall 2017.

The successful candidate will have expertise in the field of religious/theological education, including outcomes and evidence-based educational practices, curriculum development, and assessment in higher education. He/she also will have competency in pastoral studies or another area of studies that complements the Department’s research and teaching focus on “faith engaging culture.”

The person who fills the position must hold a doctorate by the start of the appointment and demonstrate the potential for excellence in research and teaching as well as distinguished scholarship and student mentorship. Responsibilities include teaching the Theology and Religious Studies course in the College core curriculum (Faith, Reason, and Culture); teaching elective courses in the undergraduate curriculum; offering a range of master’s and doctoral level courses for students preparing for teaching careers in higher education as well as for careers in religious education and pastoral ministry; and performing service to the Department, College, and the University.

Villanova is a Catholic university sponsored by the Augustinian Order located in the culturally diverse Philadelphia metropolitan area. The University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer and seeks candidates who understand, respect and can contribute to the University’s mission and values. Diversity and inclusion have been and will continue to be an integral component of Villanova University’s mission. We especially encourage applications from ethnic minorities and members of other underrepresented groups.

Direct inquiries to trsearch1@villanova.edu. Applications must be submitted electronically at https://jobs.villanova.edu. A complete application includes: a letter of interest, a current resume, a writing sample, three letters of reference, transcripts (unofficial copies), and statements of teaching philosophy and research interests. Letters of reference must be submitted directly and confidentially by the reviewers. Once the electronic application is submitted, reviewers will receive emails with instructions on how to proceed. If chosen as a finalist, a statement of contribution to Villanova’s mission must be provided. Preliminary interviews will be conducted at the 2016 Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Religion in San Antonio, Nov 19-22; they also may be conducted via video conferencing. The finalist must provide official transcripts at the time of appointment. To receive consideration, complete applications, including letters of recommendation, must be submitted by October 17, 2016.

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